Category: Events
We all need to eat!
Why not eat and support Love in the Name of Christ at the same time?
USE your coupon ticket for lunch or dinner at The Warehouse for our fundraiser on February 17, 18 and 19th
Love in the Name of Christ will receive 20% of your purchases.
This first table summarizes the activities of Love in the Name of Christ in Marion County, OH during 2014. In the first column “GOODS” and it’s subheadings detail the common categories of need requested by people in the community. “SERVICES” refers to the monetary equivalent of all volunteer hours provided throughout the year. “TOTAL GOODS & SERVICES” is the total of tangible assistance and volunteer services provided. The “2014” column lists the actual cash value of goods and services provided. The “Total Needs Met” column provides the number of all need requests that were fulfilled throughout the year. Similarly, the “Total Unmet Needs” column tallies the number of individual needs for which no help could be provided due to lack of resources or loss of contact with individuals originally asking for help.
Click the tables to open a larger version of the images.
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
From our Board President, Randy Dawson:
For those of you who are familiar with the ministry and service of Love in the Name of Christ, you know of the hundreds of needs that are met each month either directly or through partnerships with local churches, ministries and agencies right here in our community of Marion.
Along with our current ministries and services, we are in the process of furthering our mission to transform lives in the name of Christ through developing an exciting new ministry to address the deeper issues fueling the crisis of people in need. There will be much more to share about our Transformational Ministry Program that we are calling “Hope for Tomorrow” in future newsletters. Our intent is to establish and make available to those we serve, means and resources, either directly or through further partnerships with existing churches, ministries and agencies, a way to obtain, learn and strengthen people to become more self-reliant and self-sufficient, while building a deeper relationship with Christ. We believe that true restoration comes only by meeting physical, mental/emotional AND spiritual needs.
We are at the beginning stages of this process which is very exciting for all of us!
From our new Transformational Ministry Director, Bob Goyer:
I believe that the Lord is moving by His Holy Spirit in Marion and has called Love INC of Marion to develop a “Transformational Ministry “. This unique ministry combines the love of Jesus, education, accountability and relationships in order to provide opportunities for people to free themselves from their spiritual, personal and financial burdens.
This ministry seeks to transform the lives of people in chronic need through caring relationships and classes/training opportunities such as budgeting, parenting, marriage, employment/work ethic, life skills, and more. Most importantly, this ministry focuses on the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Love INC organizes church members to lead courses and/or walk alongside (mentor) people in need for a set time period (usually 1 to 3 months) in order to help them acquire one or more skills and move toward self-sufficiency. These courses can be accompanied by material support and access to Gap Ministry resources (i.e. furniture, diapers, etc.) that will help free up cash which is then used to pay down debt. The program will include goal setting and the above incentives through vouchers to promote accountability. People in need will have opportunities for life change through godly relationships with caring Christians who provide support, encouragement and the love of Christ. And everything is earned! This creates independence instead of dependence, and gives those in need the opportunity to free themselves from their dependency.
First, one must contact the Love INC Clearinghouse in order for Love INC to evaluate the needs of the person and to gain a clear picture of the situation.
The potential participant must be motivated and desire to pursue answers to their ongoing needs.
We are praying for ministry workers to join as co-laborers. If you sense the Lord tugging at your heart about this ministry, please contact myself at 225-9102, bobgoyer@yahoo.com or the Love INC office at 382-3340.
Love INC is thankful for the opportunity to reach out to the community and share what we do at Love in the Name of Christ. Donations given will further ensure that we can assist those in need in our community. Please help us as many people are experiencing extremely difficult situations and find themselves without basic things – food, clothes, personal needs, diapers, water, furniture and transportation. Your donations represent what it means for neighbor to help neighbor in Marion. Please bring a monetary donation on Saturday and help bring some HOPE to neighborhood in need.
Thank you for your continual support.
Carol Penrod, Executive Director
Participate in our latest fundraising effort and enjoy a great meal!
Our February Fundraiser at The Warehouse was a success.
So we’re adding three more fundraisers there for the rest of 2014. Mark them on your calendars!
May 13-15, 2014
August 12-14, 2014
November 11-13, 2014
The actual coupons will be available here or at your church when we get closer to the dates. Check back often.